Town Hall
Our venue is a beautiful historic building located within walking distance of downtown, Capitol Hill, and several light rail stops.
30+ Awesome Speakers
You’ll hear from a diverse lineup of speakers covering everything from the latest in web and JavaScript to the interaction of web technologies and AI.
Hallway Track
Take advantage of breaks, meals, evening events and organized ice breakers to meet people, connect and grow your network!
Your full conference ticket includes a welcome reception, 2 days of light breakfast & lunch, all day coffee, and a closing party with dinner.
From our Scholarship Program to hosting CascadiaJS in an accessible venue, our goal is to make this event available to as many people as possible and build an inclusive community for web developers.
Top Web + AI Companies
Our Expo Hall will be filled with many of the top companies building tools in the web and AI space. Stay tuned for more updates on who will be exhibiting this year!
Hacker Train
If you live in Portland, OR or Vancouver, BC there is no better way to get to CascadiaJS than to join your fellow devs on the Hacker Train. Ditch the car, make some friends and fork repos on the train Wi-Fi as you head to Seattle.
We’re continuing our annual tradition of closing out the conference with an epic night of karaoke, and we’ve hired one of the PNW’s best karaoke DJs to help us do it. Don’t miss it!
Outdoor Activities
On the Saturday after the conference, we're going to organize
some activities so that folks can explore the Seattle area, get
some fresh air and have some fun!