Tickets for the pre-conf Training Workshops are almost sold out!

Open Calls

It takes a village to make CascadiaJS happen, and we could use your help! Here is a list of our open and active calls:

Call for Presenters (CLOSED)

Every developer has a story, tells us yours.

Call for Volunteers

At this point, we are ONLY looking for volunteers to help organize a post-conference activity on Saturday, June 22.

This would require coming up with an idea of an activity and being willing to organize and lead it. Ideal activities are located in or around Seattle and are either free or low-cost.

We will review all submissions and get back to folks within 2 weeks or the conference to let them know if there activity was selected.

Call for Talent

We need help from talented people to make CascadiaJS awesome! Our urgent needs include a photographer and videographer, but we're also open to your ideas!

Our Sponsors

DataStax logo
Stytch logo
Temporal logo
Codingscape logo
Infobip logo
HookDeck logo
LangChain logo
Google logo
Begin logo
Mux logo
SeattleJS logo
Seattle Node logo
Seattle React.js logo
Portland Angular.js logo
